About Us

Hi!  I'm Matthew, the reader and designer behind Ex Libris Home.  This site was born from my two favorite pastimes - reading and designing things.  I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember (you can find my monthly reading roundups on the blog here), and my professional background is in interior design, which translates surprisingly well to designing products.  I'm also a candle maker, who owns and operates the brand Illuminati Waxworks.

Ex Libris Home started because I had just reread The Secret History for the I-don't-even-know-how-manyth-time, and I really wanted a candle that smelled like Hampden College.  Since I already knew how to make candles, I made one, and then I designed a label for it, and then I designed a mug and a sweatshirt and a tote bag and, well, you get the idea.  Once the gates were open, I just couldn't stop designing literary-inspired items, and Ex Libris Home was born.

I hope these items bring you as much joy as they do me!